We know that Barack Obama has said that one of the sweetest sounds is the Muslim call to evening prayer. We know that he has repeatedly said that Islam is a religion of peace and – side-swiping Danish cartoonists who must now fear for their lives – told the UN that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
We know that Obama has been a proponent of the idea that “Islamophobia” is a heinous offense, comparable to racial and gender hatred. We know that the President has allowed several individuals with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood to get jobs in his administration and that he, virtually alone among the leaders of the Western world, did not go to Paris to protest the slaughter at the offices of Charlie Hebdo and at a Jewish kosher restaurant.
What we know about Barack Obama’s attitude toward Muslims and the Muslim world, in other words, is bad enough. But what we don’t know about him is even worse and this is the subject of Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield’s new Freedom Center pamphlet.