Unholy Alliance gives answers to a series of key questions that, like peeling layers of skin from onion, reveal more and more about our enemies and the leaders of the anti-war movement that has infected our society and created a schism in our foreign policy for the first time since the end of the Cold War. These questions include:
-Why has the American left become allied with Islamic terrorists who've declared war on our nation, our democratic way of life, yet whose own values are reactionary and oppressive?
-Why have American radicals openly obstructed the war on terror and undermined the defense of Western democracies?
-Why have liberals opposed the American-led liberation of 26 million people who lived under tyranny and brutality? Whose leader, Saddam Hussein, gassed his own citizens, starved his enemies' children, and allowed his sons to unleash an era of indiscriminant murder and savagery?
-Why have Democrats turned against the policy of regime change they supported during the Clinton Administration's application of the policy in regards to Kosovo and Iraq?
-Why has the Democratic Party declared political war on the President and his policies, thus making foreign policy a point of partisan politics for the first time since the end of World War II?
-How did one of the country's major political machines become such a shill for the anti-America left?
-What does this fracture of the American consensus mean for the future of America's war on terror?
Understanding and answering these questions are central to countering the radical left in America and to winning the war on terror -- you'll have answers to these and other questions when you've read Unholy Alliance.