In this disturbing pamphlet, Robert Spencer shows that while our Islamist enemies are waging a slow motion (so far, at least) jihad against our country here in America, the Obama administration is reacting with denial, obfuscation and even enablement. A case in point is its decision to purge more than 1000 documents and presentations from the counter terror training of the FBI and other agencies charged with protecting Americans from another 9/11. Material showing incitements to violence against "infidels" in the Qur'an and other basic Islamic texts was removed because of the administration's sensitivities about "Islamophobia" and its responsiveness to radical Islamic leaders in America. Do Not Know the Enemy became the official U.S. position vis a vis the jihadists among us. FBI agents are prevented from conducting surveillance at radical mosques known to be recruiting grounds for terrorists. The radical Islamic connections of the Boston Marathon bombers is not a subject allowed to be investigated. In Domestic Terrorism and Washington Denial, Spencer shows that "as long as we remain unable event to name the enemy or counter the treat it poses, the enemy is able to operate with impunity, planning more mass murders of Americans."