For the unbelievable price of just $1.00 (plus shipping & handling), you can purchase this bundle of three pamphlets, which will not only provide you with a better understanding of the battle underpinning America’s survival—but it will also help the Freedom Center continue our incredibly important mission.
Yes, you read that right: For just $1.00 (plus shipping & handling), you can purchase a bundle of three of our most important pamphlets—which explain where America is headed, and how we can fight to take our nation back.
This unprecedented bundle includes the following pamphlets:
How Obama And Biden Destroyed The Greatest Military The World Has Ever Seen By Daniel Greenfield
Joseph R. Biden is directly responsible for the worst, most humiliating, most dangerous – yet completely avoidable - defeat in the history of American warfare. He has betrayed the country that elected him and that he is sworn to serve. Yet Biden has shown no remorse and taken no responsibility for the damage he has done.
American Foreign Policy: A Century Of Dangerous Illusions By Bruce S. Thornton
This pamphlet by Bruce Thornton is a concise and powerfully-written essay on the failings of American foreign policy following a century of embracing the dangerous illusions of multinational agreements, globalist institutions, and the “rules-based international order.”
By veering away from an unapologetically nationalist, “American First” agenda, the United States is sliding into decline in a world where dangerous adversaries threaten to surpass America in prosperity and power.
Disloyal: How The Military Brass Is Betraying Our Country By Daniel Greenfield
The following portraits of our top military leaders should strike fear into the heart of every American, and fill them with disgust. Military officers take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” and to “bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”
The disturbing portraits of America’s top military brass by Daniel Greenfield in this pamphlet show that to a man they have betrayed their oaths and their county and imposed on the servicemen and women under their command an alien ideology that attacks our Constitution, preaches hatred for our country and sows racial division in the military ranks. If the troops tasked with fighting our Marxist and Islamist enemies in a dangerous world are indoctrinated with hatred for their country, their Constitution, and its values, who will defend us?