For the unbelievable price of just $1.00 (plus shipping & handling), you can purchase this bundle of three pamphlets, which will not only provide you with a better understanding of the battle underpinning America’s survival—but it will also help the Freedom Center continue our incredibly important mission.
Yes, you read that right: For just $1.00 (plus shipping & handling), you can purchase a bundle of three of our most important pamphlets—which explain where America is headed, and how we can fight to take our nation back.
This unprecedented bundle includes the following pamphlets:
What's Wrong With Being Sworn In On The Qu'ran? By Robert Spencer
It is now taken for granted that Muslim officials being sworn into office with their hand on the Qur’an is as American as apple pie, and only racist, bigoted Islamophobes oppose this practice. Leftists insist it is a manifestation of our multicultural mosaic, and that to deny Muslims this privilege would be to relegate them to second-class status in the U.S., unable to express publicly their reverence for their holy book in a way that Jews and Christians can.
However, there is a great deal more to this practice, left unexamined by an establishment media that is as superficial as it is Leftist. In this eye-opening monograph, Robert Spencer explains why this practice in unwise, both from the standpoint of America’s cultural cohesion and because of the contents of the Qur’an itself. The necessary national discussion on this issue has been drowned out, as in the case of so many other issues, by charges of “racism.” Spencer, by contrast, offers a sober, carefully considered argument that all people of good will should consider carefully.
Muslim Persecution Of Christians By Robert Spencer
The popular image of the Crusades is of Christian warriors terrorizing and subjugating non-Christians. In the eyes of many radical Muslims and their Western allies, these Crusades are still going on in the new form of American "imperialism." Muslim Persecution of Christians documents the falsification of history that justifies this view. It also describes the real "crusade" now taking place -- the religious cleansing of Christians in Muslim lands. This persecution has dramatically increased worldwide in the last decade and is now worse than ever.
Students For Justice In Palestine: A Hate Group By Daniel Greenfield
“Students for Justice in Palestine is a well-organized and well-financed festering hate group with chapters in the country’s most elite colleges. Its bigotry operates with the consent of administrators and faculty. Its speakers promote the murder of Jews and the denial of the Holocaust while their appearances are funded with student fees.Its chapters have been sanctioned and condemned for their bigoted activities, but no university has been willing to clearly and consistently denounce this hate group’s presence on campus.”
So begins Daniel Greenfield’s expose of the campus group, operating under the cover of “diversity,” that spreads Jew hatred throughout American higher education. Students for Justice in Palestine: A Hate Group is a startling look at a group that spreads the ideas of Hamas and Hezbollah at universities across the country and has made anti Semitism, masquerading as anti-Israelism, an enduring feature of campus life.