Do you seek to better understand the deep-seated racist ideologies of the radical left?
For the remarkable price of just $1.00 (plus shipping & handling)—representing a savings of over $25.00—you can purchase a bundle that contains the following books & pamphlets by the David Horowitz Freedom Center:
I Can't Breathe: How A Racial Hoax Is Killing America, A Book By David Horowitz
Examining the twenty-six most notorious cases of police “racism”— from Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown to George Floyd and Breonna Taylor—David Horowitz demonstrates that Black Lives Matter has lied about every one of them in its quest to undermine law and order, fuel race hatred, and destroy America.
In case after case, the lies and mythmaking break down under Horowitz’s scrutiny. Even the chief prosecutor in the George Floyd case was forced to admit that he had no evidence of racial bias, while Breonna Taylor, the longtime accomplice of a major drug dealer, was killed when she and her boyfriend resisted arrest.
How Progressives Use Race As A Weapon Against Our Country, A Pamphlet By David Horowitz
This riveting pamphlet by David Horowitz unveils the Left’s use of race to delegitimize America and to erode our national legacy of tolerance and pluralism.
The Left's War On Whiteness, A Pamphlet By John Perazzo
In recent decades, the Left has gained a nearly monopolistic control of the key institutions that shape the American people’s worldview: the mass media, the entertainment industry, the schools, and many of the mainline churches. Consequently, these institutions have been turned into conduits through which leftist perspectives are transmitted to a highly receptive public.
One of these perspectives is the notion that white people are both the cause and the embodiment of virtually every societal ill afflicting our country. Until “whiteness” can be either quarantined or destroyed outright, says the Left, “people of color” will continue to fare less well in school, earn less money, and be incarcerated at higher rates than their white counterparts. All inequalities in these various realms are attributed, by the Left, to injustices orchestrated by white people. By relentlessly banging the drum of “white privilege,” the Left has effectively portrayed race relations as little more than a constant battle between white oppressors and black victims. In this pamphlet, John Perazzo unveils the colossal deception and ignorance that underlies this worldview.
Jimmy Carter's War Against The Jews, A Pamphlet By Jacob Laskin
Jimmy Carter set out to be an exemplary ex-president—indeed, to redefine that role into one involving a level of moral activism and diplomacy other former chief executives had considered unseemly. Rather than advancing American interests, however, he has become a hectoring critic of his country who exempts dictators from the high standards of human rights he otherwise claims as his legacy. The moral double standards are nowhere more visible than in his persistent and intemperate attacks on Israel, which are so obsessive as to raise the question of whether an agenda of anti-Semitism underlays the obvious anti-Zionism.