For an unbelievable 30% discount (plus shipping & handling), you can purchase this bundle of three of David Horowitz's most important works—which expose how leftism is not just a warped ideology, but in fact a criminal mentality.
This bundle includes the following books:
America Betrayed: How A Christian Monk Created America & Why The Left Is Determined To Destroy Her
America is now engulfed in a crisis that goes to the very foundations of its democracy. To destroy Americans’ pride in their heritage and undermine their will to defend it, the attacks on America’s heritage begin with malicious slanders intended to turn the American dream of equality and freedom into a “white supremacist” nightmare. We are told America, from its inception, has been a “racist” nation that treats minorities as less than human. We are told America deserves to be destroyed. This destructive lie is now the official doctrine of the Biden White House, the “woke” Pentagon, the Democratic Senate, and the curricula of American schools.
America Betrayed restores the true history of America’s achievements and its role as a beacon of freedom. Framed by an account of Martin Luther’s history and ideas, David Horowitz demonstrates that racial progress in America originates not from Leftist policy but from its founding ideals. America Betrayed is a history and a manifesto focused on the current war to save our country and restore the dignity and freedom of the individual.
The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans Of The Woke Left
The Radical Mind is both a stark warning and call to arms to protect the country from decline, ruin, and disgrace. It identifies the crisis facing the nation as a crisis of faith — faith in the Constitution that has shaped our destiny, faith in individual freedom and accountability, faith in the principle of equality before the law. At stake? Nothing less than the American way of life and the liberty and freedoms all Americans enjoy.
In his latest broadside against the radical left, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz pulls back the curtain of secrecy and lies and exposes the dangerous methods and agendas of a woke left mob, and identifies what a decent society needs to do to keep the country from slipping away.
The Enemy Within: How A Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America
A questionable election. The president of the United States illegally impeached—twice—and silenced. The First Amendment hanging by a thread. The national heritage under attack. Mob violence. America is on the brink of becoming a one-party dictatorship. How did this happen?
The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America provides the answer. David Horowitz has been the bête noire of the Left for decades on account of his courageous revelations of their aims and tactics, and now he sounds the alarm: the barbarians are already inside the gates.
As Abraham Lincoln so presciently warned on the eve of America’s last existential crisis, “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live for all time, or die by suicide.” In The Enemy Within, David Horowitz provides a spot-on assessment of the threat to the American Republic and points to an escape route—while there’s still time.